Spiritual Aspects

Of Transvestism

by Olivia (37-P-1) FPE

The purpose of this short study is to explore the possiblilities of spiritual qualities in trans- vestism, which heretofore has not been done. This will limit itself to transvestism as a charasmatic gift. Charisma is a divine or special gift, such as healing or preaching, outside of the routine chan- nels of a given faith. In America, Jeane Dixon would be considered the outstanding charismatic be- cause although she is a devout Roman Catholic, her gift of prophecy is completely outside the channels. of command in her church. (If you have not read the book about her, Ruth Montgomery's A Gift of Pro- phecy, you must do so.)

An exploration of the spiritual qualities of transvestism is not dependent upon any particular set of definitions or concepts. One may accept God as a personal deity of some sort, an impersonal force, or any of the more abstract definitions as Mind, the Absolute, Ultimate Reality, etc. Then God's Will must be consistent with the first defin- ition, and means living in accord with the concept which one has of God. The third step in definition is to realize that Sin is going against God's Will or the Divine Will. This may be defined as dishar- mony with Natural Truth, disobedience to a Divine Command, lack of unity with the Ultimate Reality, etc.

Every religion contains a basic principle of Gifts. This is necessitated by the fact that every- where, throughout all history, there have been tal- ented people whose abilities have been unexplainable by any other means. Genetics has contributed a little